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shintomichō station
新富町站  detail>>
a station
发射台a  detail>>
at station
火车站交货 在车站交货, 车站交货价  detail>>
at the station
在车站 在火车站  detail>>
 n.  1. 站,台,车站;航空站,机场。 2.派出所;署,局,所。 3.【无线电】电台,电视台。  4. 驻地,部戍地,根据地,警备区域...  detail>>
station to
收报电台  detail>>
the station
篇文章 在车站  detail>>
station to station
站到站站到站 站对站  detail>>
 adj.  (长途电话)叫号的。 2. adv.  按叫号费率(缴费);站到站地。  detail>>
camera station, exposure station
摄站  detail>>
gas station = gasoline station
生活中也可说成  detail>>
hose station utility station
公用工程站 软管站  detail>>
master station,controlling station
主站控制站  detail>>
monitor station, check station
监测台(又称“检查台”)  detail>>
print station station
印刷台  detail>>
starting station; station of departure
始发站  detail>>
station to station call
长途的叫号电话 局间呼叫  detail>>
station to station service
站间业务  detail>>